Upper Left Coast

Thoughts on politics, faith, sports and other random topics from a red state sympathizer in indigo-blue Portland, Oregon.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Jason Atkinson: no mudslinging here

When Jason Atkinson was running for the state senate, his campaign produced several television spots that ran in his southern Oregon district. One of them has been updated for the race for governor, and it couldn't be more appropriate, as it demonstrates what has been true throughout the campaign: no matter what his opponents sling at him or at each other, he will turn the other cheek and continue to run a positive campaign.

It's one of many reasons why I will vote for Jason Atkinson as Oregon's next governor, and I hope you'll do the same.

The image above is a couple of screen captures from the video, but you can watch the whole 30-second spot by heading over to Vonski's site and clicking on play.


  • At 5/08/2006 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The Blogs for Atkinson would be well advised to take this ad to heart.

    Coyote, Gully, Dare, et al have been so venomous that they completely turned me off to Atkinson.

    The campaign reminds me a lot of the Dean campaign. The Deaniacs were just so incredibly intolerable that nobody even bothered to see what Dean was all about. Unlike Dean, though, Jason seems like a decent, upstanding guy. Hopefully he won't suffer the same fate as Howie...

  • At 5/09/2006 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Anon 10:33.

    Since us bloggers aren't affiliated with any campaign, I would hope that our personal opinions on the candidates wouldn't affect your ability to intellectually choose the right one.

    This is all assuming that you would consider voting for a Republican candidate in the first place.


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