Upper Left Coast

Thoughts on politics, faith, sports and other random topics from a red state sympathizer in indigo-blue Portland, Oregon.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Perusing the morning news

Thanks in part to the Oregonian's decision to drop a newspaper on my front lawn this morning (because, you know, the day after an election is a holiday):

Measure 49 passed easily. The remarkable thing was the post-election willingness of the Oregonian to truthfully describe the measure. The headline said it would end up "limiting property claims." The first paragraph said the vote would mean "rolling back the property development rights," approved in Measure 37. And inside, it said the vote "drastically scales back development" under 37. Too bad they weren't that up front before the election. Oh, and that editorial headline about how the tobacco industry spent $24 per no-vote for Measure 50? Well, first of all, according to the O's front page, it's $22 per vote -- but regardless, Phil Morris and friends put up a mint, and that was a prime reason why I voted for it. However, the pro-49 folks spent almost $5 million -- a bargain at just 40 percent of the terbacky lobby's purse, but a chunk of change nonetheless -- and outspent the anti-49 folks more than 2-to-1. So don't give me this crap about how special interest money killed Measure 50 -- it goes both ways.

Portland City Commissioner Erik Sten will give up seeking a compromise on the Interstate Avenue issue, and will vote for the change. Huh? What did I miss? Since when does an inability to reach compromise mean that you should cave in and cast a vote simply to be done with the issue? The lesson seems to be that if a group screams "racism" loud enough, they don't have to compromise.

Dennis Doyle wants to be the next mayor of Beaverton. He says his top priority is to gather city and county leaders to publicly decide the future of urban unincorporated areas. Hey Dennis, let me make it easy for you -- leave us the hell alone. As Jerry Boone said this morning, you've got enough trouble trying to convince the electorate that you're an innocent bystander in all the garbage that's happened under Mayor Rob Drake, even though you've been on the council for 14 years. Oh, and that goal of yours to broaden the council's responsibilities? To me, that sounds like a recipe for even more shenanigans.

The Hollywood writer's strike is in its second day! 'Desperate Housewives' has run out of scripts! The world is coming to an end! Maybe there are people who think this way, but as far as I'm concerned, the longer this lasts, the better.

Pat Robertson has endorsed Rudy Giuliani for president. Whoopee. This shows how desperate Guiliani is for an in-road into the evangelical vote. Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post calls it a loss for Mitt Romney, but I tend toward the mindset of an e-mailer to NRO, who said: "How did Romney pull that off?" Robertson is a loose wingnut, and for every voter who thinks Robertson's endorsement is a plus, there are two more who think less of Guiliani because of it.


  • At 11/07/2007 8:26 PM, Blogger MAX Redline said…

    Last Wednesday, someone dropped an Oregonian on my driveway. My first thought was "My God, Why? I don't even have a parakeet!" Upon further reflection, I figured that it was a ploy to get me to subscribe. If so, it didn't work. I did subscribe for several years, a long time ago. But when they became a venue for only two things: ads and propaganda, I decided that I could get more bang for my bucks elsewhere. I was just reading that subscribership is continuing a downward trend, which some ascribe to the idea that people aren't reading newspapers any more.

    Nothing could be further from the truth. People do read papers that publish news. The Oregonian and other major papers simply quit doing that. When Pulitzer-winning articles come out in a weekly alternative - why subscribe to a mouthpiece?

  • At 11/27/2007 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    There has been many times where a pastor Like Pat Robertson and Billy Graham want to be pastors to politicians Maybe he is hoping Giulliani will change from his lifestyle and maybe even now needs the
    Love Won Out Looking Forward to Dialogue About Homosexuality
    Focus on the Family welcomed news today that its April 14 Love Won Out ... Most of the 43 Love Won Out events held since 1995 have seen some form of protest ...
    www.focusonthefamily.com/press/pressreleases/A000000835.cfm - 12k - Cached - Similar pages
    Love won out is a very good program by Dr Dobson that other people should use even encluding Haggart has used it the program this will not change my vote for Rudy G nor my feeling on pat Robertson some pastors like to be missionaries encluding Billy Graham and pat robertson
    Love Won Out Looking Forward to Dialogue About Homosexuality
    Focus on the Family welcomed news today that its April 14 Love Won Out ... Most of the 43 Love Won Out events held since 1995 have seen some form of protest ...
    www.focusonthefamily.com/press/pressreleases/A000000835.cfm - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

  • At 11/27/2007 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Maybe Pat Robertson wants to be missionaries to politicians Like Rudy G maybe hoping his lifestyle will change or something
    Love Won Out Looking Forward to Dialogue About Homosexuality
    Focus on the Family welcomed news today that its April 14 Love Won Out ... Most of the 43 Love Won Out events held since 1995 have seen some form of protest ...
    But it sure does not change my vote for Rudy G nor does it change my mind on pat Robertson

  • At 11/27/2007 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Pat Robertson is alike like Billy Graham for more on the religious right go to google and Look up Billy Graham on the wiki
    Pastor to Presidents

    Graham has had a personal audience with every sitting United States President since Harry Truman.[10] He visited in the Oval Office with Truman in 1950, urging Truman to counter communism in North Korea. However, Graham and his accompanying pastors were not aware of Washington protocol; they appeased the press corps waiting outside with details of the visit, with the three pastors even acquiescing to the calls of the press to kneel on the White House lawn, as if praying.[10] This led to Truman calling Graham a "counterfeit" publicity seeker, and Truman did not speak to Graham for years afterward.[2][10] Graham has often told the story, usually as a warning that he would not reveal his conversations with world leaders.[10] Graham became a regular in the Oval Office during the tenure of Dwight Eisenhower, who he urged to intervene with federal troops in the case of the Little Rock Nine,[2] and it was at that time, on a Washington golf course, that he met and became close friends with Vice-President Richard Nixon.[10] Eisenhower asked to see Graham on his deathbed.[16] Graham also counseled Lyndon B. Johnson, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and the Bush family.[9]

    The single notable exception among modern presidents is John F. Kennedy, with whom Graham golfed; but Kennedy was Roman Catholic;[17] Graham enjoyed a friendship with Nixon and prominently supported him over Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election.[2] Nixon wrote to Graham after that election: "I have often told friends that when you went into the ministry, politics lost one of its potentially greatest practitioners."[2] Graham spent the last night of Johnson's presidency in the White House, and he stayed for the first night of Nixon's.[16]

    After Nixon's victorious 1968 presidential campaign, Graham was an adviser, visiting the White House and leading some of the private church services that the President organized there.[10] Nixon offered Graham the ambassadorship to Israel in a meeting they had with Golda Meir, but Graham turned down Nixon's offer.[2] Nixon appeared at one of Graham's revivals in East Tennessee in 1970; the event drew one of the largest crowds to ever gather in Tennessee.[10] Nixon became the first President to give a speech from an evangelist's platform.[10] However, their friendship became strained when Graham rebuked Nixon for his post-Watergate behavior and the profanity heard on the Watergate tapes; they eventually reconciled after Nixon's resignation.[10] Graham announced at that time, "I'm out of politics."[4]

    After a special law was passed on his behalf, Graham was allowed to conduct the first religious service on the steps of the Capitol building in 1952.[2] When Graham was hospitalized briefly in 1976, three Presidents called in one day to wish him well: former President Nixon, current President Ford and President-Elect Carter.[16]

    He was one of Reagan's personal guests at his inauguration and gave the benediction at George H.W. Bush's inauguration.[16] He stayed at the White House the night before George H.W. Bush (who called Graham "America's Pastor") launched the Persian Gulf War.[9] Two days before the 2000 presidential election, Graham spoke at a prayer breakfast in Florida with George W. Bush in attendance but did not officially endorse him.[citation needed] At a New York revival in 2005, Bill Clinton recalled how he had attended Graham's revival as a boy in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1959.[4]

    Graham has also spoken at one presidential funeral and one presidential burial. Graham presided over the graveside services for President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1973 and took part in eulogizing the former President with former Texas Democratic Governor John Connally, an LBJ protégé and fellow Texan who was wounded in the assassination. Graham also spoke at Connally's funeral and the funeral of former First Lady Pat Nixon within one week of each other in June 1993.[2] He also spoke at the funeral of Richard Nixon in 1994. Graham was unable to officiate the state funeral of Ronald Reagan on June 11, 2004, because of recent double hip replacement surgery, which former President George H.W. Bush acknowledged during his eulogy. Graham had been Reagan's first choice. Because Graham was hospitalized, Rev. John Danforth, a Missouri Republican Senator during Reagan's tenure, officiated the funeral. Failing health prevented Rev. Graham from officiating at the state funeral of former President Gerald R. Ford in Washington D.C., on January 2, 2007, as well as the funeral of former First Lady Lady Bird Johnson in July 2007.

    [edit] Foreign policy views

    Graham has been outspoken against communism and supportive of U.S. Cold War policy, including the Vietnam War. However, in a 1999 speech, Graham discussed his relationship with the late North Korean dictator Kim Il Sung, praising him as a "different kind of communist" and "one of the great fighters for freedom in his country against the Japanese." Graham went on to note that although he had never met Kim's son and current North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il, he had "exchanged gifts with him."[18]
    Later President George W bush got save and Turned his life over to being a christian by such political leaders of the day


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