Upper Left Coast

Thoughts on politics, faith, sports and other random topics from a red state sympathizer in indigo-blue Portland, Oregon.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Quote of the Day

Robert Bork, writing in today's National Review Online, has made no bones about his disagreement with Roe v. Wade and would consider it a fitting judicial decision to overturn the abortion case. Despite Samuel Alito's pronouncements on the limited role of judges, Bork acknowledges that we won't find Alito's perspective on Roe in existing information, and "if he is the superb lawyer he is reputed to be, we will not learn that at his hearings either."

However, to those who fret over the unknowns of Alito's perspective on Roe, he writes:
Still, we do not know how the new chief justice and Justice-to-be Alito will rule on Roe and other liberal constitutional travesties of the past. Why, then, should conservatives support them? Because we can at least be sure that they will not start inventing yet new and previously unheard of constitutional rights. That would in itself be a vast improvement over the imperialistic Court majority’s drive to remake American culture and morality. That it will take at least one more justice of the Roberts-Scalia-Thomas-Alito stripe to return the Court to jurisprudential respectability is no reason not to support Judge Alito to the full. Let us rejoice in what we have gained.


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