Upper Left Coast

Thoughts on politics, faith, sports and other random topics from a red state sympathizer in indigo-blue Portland, Oregon.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Let the Democratic smear machine begin

Maybe the Democrats and the United Nations are in cahoots. It seems neither has a clue about the intricacies of Microsoft Word documents. RedState talked last night about a Word document obtained by TownHall.com, which shows the DNC plans to go after any of the President's Supreme Court nominees by showing "how they made their $$, personal holdings, the whole deal."

The funny part is that the electronic fingerprints tell you exactly who wrote it — three staffers with the Democratic National Committee.

The document also highlights Samuel Alito's failure as a federal prosecutor to win a mob conviction. As Chris Matthews said on MSNBC yesterday:
They nail him on not putting italian mobsters in jail. Why would they bring this up? This is either a very bad coincidence or very bad politics. Either way it will hurt them. This document, not abortion rights, not civil rights but that he failed to nail some mobsters in 1988. This is the top of their list. Amazingly bad politics.
Is this the DNC's attempt to smear Alito by insinuating that he, an Italian American, has some sort of ties to the mafia? I'm frankly not sure, but if that's the suggestion, I agree with Matthews: amazingly bad politics.


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